Two tips office owners should follow when using the services of commercial handymen

If you've decided to hire a commercial handyman so that you always have someone available to deal with the minor repairs and maintenance work that needs to be done to your office building, here are some tips to follow.

Try to have the handyman carry out non-urgent repairs just before your office gets cleaned

In instances where you need the handyman to do non-urgent repair work, you should try to have them do this work before the office cleaners begin their daily cleaning routine. The reason for this is that repair jobs can be messy. If, for example, the handyman has to use an oil spray to fix your office door's squeaking hinges, then some of this oil may end up dripping onto the door, the door frame or the floor underneath it.

Whilst the handyman will undoubtedly try to clean up when they've done their work, this is not something they specialise in and they may not have the right products to do the job correctly. Conversely, your cleaners will have the time and the know-how to, for instance, spot and mop up every last drop of door-hinge oil that dripped onto the floor and will also have the right cleaning products to get rid of that specific type of stain.

Timing the non-urgent repairs so that they are done prior to the time at which your office cleaners start their shifts will mean the latter will be able to remove any remaining marks or grease from the work area shortly after the handyman has finished. This is important in an office building, as you probably won't want your clients to see, for example, a greasy-looking door or floor.

Give the office cleaners a way to communicate with the handyman

You should give your cleaners some way of communicating with the handyman you've hired. For example, you could put a lockable suggestion or message box on the reception desk by your building's entrance that the cleaners could pop notes in when they want to communicate with the handyman. The reason for this is that, due to the nature of their work, your cleaners will be the ones who are most likely to notice when small features in your office building require repair. For instance, when polishing a doorknob, they might notice that some of the screws that attach it to the door are loose or, when dusting the windowsills, they might notice that the silicone around the window's edges is frayed.

If this happens and you have provided them with a message box, they can leave a note for the handyman, who can then check this box at the start of their shift to see if there is any work that needs to be done. This will ensure that the handyman is notified of any minor damage that needs to be dealt with soon after the cleaners see it which, in turn, will mean that the repairs will be done quickly and will be less likely to cause other problems (for example, if the frayed silicone around your office window doesn't get replaced fast enough, rainwater might get in through the partially-sealed edges and damage the paintwork or window dressings around the window.

For more information, contact a commercial handyman near you.

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Cleaning Services: Combating Dirt Around Your Home

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