Brand-New Carpeting in Your Home? How to Ensure Proper Care and Cleaning

Now that you have new carpeting in your home, you want to take steps to protect your investment. One of the easiest ways to do that is to ensure that your carpeting receives the proper care. Without proper care, your carpeting can sustain considerable damage, which could make the fibres wear out prematurely. Read the information provided below. Here are four tips that will help ensure that your carpet is properly maintained. 

Go Gentle on the Fibres

Now that your home has brand-new carpeting, it's just a matter of time before some type of dirt gets tracked in. When that happens, you want to take care of the way you approach the cleaning. If your first thought is to grab a cloth and start scrubbing away at the dirt, you might want to rethink that approach. Scrubbing the dirt might do more harm than good. First, scrubbing could damage the fibres. Second, scrubbing could spread the dirt, making the soiled area more difficult to clean. Instead, grab some sudsy water, a clean cloth, and then gently clean the affected area. 

Don't Use the Wrong Products

If you spill something on your new carpeting, the first thing you want to do is clean up the mess as quickly as possible. However, you don't want to use the wrong products. You might not realise this, but using the wrong products on your carpeting could cause serious damage to the fibres. This is especially true where synthetic fibres are concerned. You might be tempted to use a bleach solution to prevent stains. 

Unfortunately, bleach can ruin your carpet, even if the bleach is diluted with water. First, bleach will eat away at the fibres. Second, the solution will soak through to the padding where it will do additional damage. Finally, the solution can get tracked through the house, which means more of your carpet will be damaged. To avoid that risk, always use safe cleaning products on your new carpeting.

Use Deodorizers Sparingly

Now that you have new carpeting, you'll want to keep the odours away. One way to do that is with deodorising powders. However, you want to go sparingly with the powder. Using too much of the deodorising powder can leave you with a sticky residue on the carpet fibres. Instead, sprinkle a small amount of deodoriser on your carpet about once a week before vacuuming. 

Choose Pro Cleaning Service

Finally, if you've invested in new carpeting for your home, you'll want to provide a deep cleaning at least twice a year. However, you should avoid do-it-yourself cleaning methods. Instead, consider hiring carpet cleaning services to do this work for you. Utilising a professional cleaning service will help to protect your carpet, and keep it looking brand-new much longer.

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Cleaning Services: Combating Dirt Around Your Home

Combating dirt and dust around your home can be difficult. This site is here to arm you with all of the info you need so you can tackle even the dusty and grimy parts of your residence. While no one who writes for this site is a pro, they are all amateur cleaning fanatics who love nothing more than spending hours on the net researching the latest trends and developments. Here, you can discover how to quickly and efficiently get on top of the mess and disorder in your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and much more. Please check back soon to find out more.



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